Trust me, having been a very successful dentist in private practice for 20+ years I had to make the time to learn how to run my business at the same time being a dentist. This also included a husband and two growing children.
The beauty of the program is that I've created it in a systematic order than will allow you to focus on the things that are necessary and removed the guesswork of figuring it out.
I have removed the challenges of going through the minutia and only included what I know makes a difference. None of this is theory from some marketing company!
So the cold, hard truth is… you DO have time. Everyone has the same amount of time. And the ONE thing you MUST do is make time for your business. The easiest way to do this is a system that gets you truly KNOWN as an expert in your marketplace, accelerates your authority, and results in profitable sales into your business with patients you truly enjoy.
And the program includes online training, LIVE coaching calls with me and lots of incredible resources like templates, contracts and more to support your dental practice.
And if you redirect even just a couple of hours each week instead of trying to “figure it out,” or investing in marketing activities that aren’t paying off for your business (#SocialMediaTimeSuck), you will have more time to go "All In" with what you are learning in Pathway to Your Profitable Practice™.